对于REALTOR®支持的候选人来说,初选决选证明是一个非常好的夜晚. RPAC successfully supported one congressional candidate. TREPAC参加了9个州的立法选举,并赢得了其中7个.


was very low across the state. 该州1600万登记选民中约有83万人参加了投票.

About 403,000 Republicans voted in the runoff. 应该指出的是,许多德克萨斯州共和党人没有高调的竞选需要考虑. 事实上,在该州254个县中,有111个县根本没有共和党的竞争.

Democrats turnout (430,这是民主党自1990年以来首次在州长决选中获得的最低票数。. This number breaks a record set in 1920, when 449,000名选民在州长的首次决选中投票. 这不仅是创纪录的低点,而且德克萨斯州的人口现在大约是现在的七倍.

Runoffs remain dangerous for incumbents. 自1992年以来,参加决选的27名现任议员中,只有5人捍卫了自己的席位。

Details and analysis

TREPAC/RPAC-supported candidates denoted in bold (Republican/Democrat)

  • CD 5 – State Rep. Lance Gooden (53.在与融资巨头邦尼·庞德(Bunni Pounds)的激烈竞争中胜出.9%). 古登在德克萨斯州众议院的服务得到了回报……他在他所代表的地区赢得了61%的选票(HD 4), but lost the balance of the district 51-49. Gooden faces Democrat Dan Wood in November.
  • HD 4 – Forney school board president Keith Bell (58.9%) defeated former state Rep. Spitzer (41.1%). 2012年,德州人支持的斯皮策在HD 4的初选中败给了兰斯·古登, won in 2014, and lost in 2016 (again to Gooden). 贝尔将在这个共和党占多数的地区迎战民主党人埃斯顿·威廉姆斯.
  • HD 8 -在TAR的最高优先级竞赛中,Texas REALTOR®和前TREPAC受托人 Cody Harris (54.4%) beat Empower Texans-backed Thomas McNutt (45.哈里斯在他的家乡(安德森)赢得了70%的胜利,在该州最昂贵和最受关注的比赛之一中击败了麦克纳特. Harris faces Democrat Wesley Ratcliff in November.
  • HD 13 ——在3月6日获得第二名后,前格莱姆斯县法官 Ben Leman (57.3%) defeated Empower Texans candidate Jill Wolfskill (42.7%). Leman will face Democrat Cecil Webster in November. Interestingly, 在一场填补前众议员任期的特别选举中,莱曼是得票最多的人(但没有达到50%). Leighton Schubert on May 5. Wolfskill, who finished second in the special election, has pulled out of the special runoff, 也就是说雷曼会在86年开始前宣誓就职th Texas Legislature.
  • HD 37 – After securing nearly 49% of the vote in March, incumbent René Oliveira (43.3%)无法抵挡卡梅伦县专员亚历克斯·多明格斯(Alex Dominguez, 56岁).7%). Rep. Oliveira, who chairs the House Business and Industry Committee, 被列为REALTOR®冠军,并将在国会大厦错过. 没有大选挑战者,所以多明格斯将代表HD 37参加2019年的大选.
  • HD 46 ——在3月份获得第二名的前奥斯汀市长普罗特姆 Sheryl Cole (51.9%的选民击败了移民律师、前立法委员乔瑟斯·“奇托”·维拉(49岁).1%) by 173 votes. 科尔将于11月在这个民主党占多数的地区与共和党人加布里埃尔·尼拉(Gabriel Nila)竞争.
  • HD 54 – Former Killeen Mayor and incumbent Scott Cosper (41.7%)无法抵挡受欢迎的兽医布拉德·巴克利(58岁).3%). 巴克利将在一个倾向共和党的地区的大选中与民主党候选人凯西·理查森和一名自由主义者竞争.
  • HD 62 – Former Grayson County Republican Chairman Reggie Smith (71.2%) easily defeated Empower Texans candidate Brent Lawson (21.8%) to replace outgoing Rep. Larry Phillips. Though this seat is solidly Republican, 史密斯在大选中确实面临着来自自由主义者和民主党人瓦莱丽·赫夫纳的挑战.
  • HD 109 – After finishing second on March 6, former DeSoto Mayor Carl Sherman (64.2%) doubles up Deshaundra Lockhart Jones (35.8%). Sherman does not have a general challenger.
  • HD 121 在可能是德克萨斯州众议院最受关注的竞选中,商业保守派 Steve Allison (57.5%) handily defeated Empower Texans-backed Matt Beebe (42.5%),他已经三次在HD 121选举中失利(2012年、2014年、2018年)。. HD 121席位由支持艾利森的五任议长乔·斯特劳斯(Joe strauss)空缺. This is a solid Republican seat, 但艾利森将在11月面对民主党人德琳娜·蒙托亚和一名自由党人.
  • 3RD Court of Appeals, Place 6 – Empower Texans candidate Mike Toth (52.8%) defeated longtime Austin elections and ethics attorney Donna Davidson (47.2%). 托特将在11月面对民主党州地区法官吉塞拉·特里亚纳.

Other races of note (Primary victor denoted with underlines)

  • Governor – Former Dallas County Sheriff Lupe Valdez (52.7%) defeated Andrew White (47.3%) and will now take on Gov. Greg Abbott in November. 瓦尔迪兹是第一个公开的女同性恋者,也是第一个赢得德克萨斯州主要政党州长提名的拉丁裔.
  • CD 2 – Retired Navy SEAL Dan Crenshaw (69.9%) soundly defeated state Rep. Kevin Roberts (30.1%),并将在这个坚定的共和党选区迎战民主党人托德·利顿(Todd Litton).
  • CD 6 ——在接替退休的共和党国会议员乔·巴顿的竞选中, former Tarrant County Tax Assessor Ron Wright (52.2%的人凭借高知名度击败了47岁的老将杰克·埃尔泽(Jack Ellzey).8%).
  • CD 7 – Democrat Lizzie Pannill Fletcher 轻松击败了活动人士劳拉·莫泽,并将在11月挑战现任共和党人约翰·卡尔伯森. 弗莱彻是一名律师,他得到了民主党的支持. 这是共和党国会议员拥有的三个席位之一, CD 32) where Hillary Clinton defeated Donald Trump
  • CD 23 -前高中教师和空军情报官员 Gina Ortiz-Jones (67.9%) defeated Rick Trevino (32.1%). 奥尔蒂斯-琼斯将在这个摇摆席位上与现任共和党国会议员威尔·赫德对决.
  • CD 21/21 接替即将退休的国会议员拉马尔·史密斯的竞选产生了德克萨斯州最受关注的两场初选. On the Republican side, former Ted Cruz Chief of Staff Chip Roy’s (52.7%) runoff victory against Matt McCall (47.3%)是共和党最受关注的国会竞选之一. 罗伊将面对奥斯汀的科技企业家和退伍军人 Joseph Kopser (58%), 在民主党初选中轻松击败部长兼前教师玛丽·斯特里特·威尔逊(42%).
  • CD 27/27 ——前维多利亚县共和党主席以惊人的优势获胜 Michael Cloud (61%) over Bech Bruun (39%), a Gov. Abbott appointee to the Texas Water Development Board, in the race to succeed Congressman Blake Farenthold. Cloud will face Democrat Eric Holguin, who received 61.9% of the vote in the Democratic primary runoff. This is about a 5:2 Republican district.
  • CD 31 – Air Force veteran MJ Hegar (62.2%) bested Christine Eady Mann (37.8%),并将在奥斯汀北部一个变化迅速的选区与国会议员约翰·卡特(John Carter)对决.
  • CD 32 – Colin Allred (69.5%) defeats Lillian Salerno (30.(5%)——密切关注这一点……奥雷德将在11月全国范围内最受关注(也最昂贵)的竞选中面对国会议员皮特·塞申斯
  • HD 47 – Austin REALTOR® Vicki Goodwin (58%)击败了进步活动家伊莱娜·福勒(42%)——古德温将与共和党众议员奥巴马(奥巴马)对决. 保罗·沃克曼(Paul Workman)赢得了许多人认为可以争夺的席位.
  • HD 107 Empower Texans-backed Deanna Metzger (56.1%) defeated veteran Joe Ruzicka (44.9%)赢得11月在这个摇摆区与现任民主党人维多利亚·尼夫(Victoria Neave)一决高下的权利.
  • HD 133 ——在3月份的初选中,他以5票之差未能赢得直接胜利, Democrat Sandra Moore (44%) lost last night’s runoff to Marty Schexnayder, (56%), who now moves on to face Rep. Jim Murphy in this very Republican district.